Voice Recognition Engine
Heard of that technology before? yes, of course you did. This technology implemented in Vista as a voice recognition and some people said the accuracy is very high (of course if users speak proper english). For instance this blogger that said he use the voice recognition engine in Vista to write his blog. Check this out (Posted by Hunt3rke, 2:35 PM ):
Microsoft claims that they providing world class accuracy of voice recognition. Also Microsoft seems try to replace the use of keyboard and mouse with just talk to the computer and user can perform other task with their hands for instance evaluate other works. But this technology will seems quite weird because some of users that do not update their computer or their knowledge of technology will feel funny when see someone speaks to the computer. The main disadvantage of this technology is user will not able to use it outdoor in the noise place because the voice recognition engine will not able to recognise the sound properly.
In Microsoft website there is a manual to use the speech recognition and some command that reconize by computer. For example, when user want to try to write document in wordpad. At first user have to say "Start Listening", with this command computer will start to listen to the user after that user have to input the programm name then user say "wordpad". Computer will listen to the command and execute the programm. When user say "This is a test of speech recognition period", wordpad will produce the sentence that spoken by user and for the punctuation user also have to mention it.
To correct a mistake that made by computer, user have to say "correct" and the word that misrecognize by the computer but if user realy want to write "correct", user have to input the word once again. For example, when user say "This" and the computer recognize it as "Disc", the user have to say "correct this" to change it to the right one.
The only thing that do not mention in this manual is how if the user want to stop writing. Because when user say "file" and "save", computer will save the file but how about when user really want to say the word "file"? so that still a question mark about this program.
This all the post for today.. Thanks for attention..
Before you close this Window I wanna share some joke that I found in Internet with you all:
Windows Vista The Humor Unleashed
Source Sizlopedia
Though Microsoft’s new Operating System Windows Vista is gaining a lot of popularity these days but this fact can not be neglected that it has been a subject of big criticism at the time of its release.
Windows Vitsa : The Humor Unleashed
Due to its huge requirements and not-up-to-the-mark performance and stability users and people have created a lot of acronyms for the word “Vista” most of which are dead funny and really humorous.
Funny acronyms of “Vista”
Here go some of the funny acronyms that I found randomly on the Internet:
Very Inconsistent Software - Try Again
Virus Instability Spyware Trojans Adware
Virus Intrusions Spybots Trojans Adware
Very Irritating System - Try Another
Vista Is Stupid To Attempt
Volatility Isn’t Something To Admire
Virtually Impossible Source To Avoid
Vastly Inferior Software To Apple’s
Vista Is Shittier Than Anything
Vastly Improved Solitaire Tiling Algorithms
Posted by Hunt3rke, Friday, May 25, 2007 1:45 PM